Doplňovačka - Oblečenie (Clothing)

Cvičenia z angličtiny pre 5. ročník ZŠ

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Video - Oblečenie

Pozri si video (Clothes Vocabulary For ESL Students | Fun Guessing Game For Kids" od Games4esl), v ktorom si môžeš zopakovať niektoré slovíčka z témy oblečenie. Pozorne si všímaj názvy oblečení:

   bag      belt      cap      dress      glasses      jacket      mittens      scarf      shirt      shoes      shorts      skirt      tie      trousers      T-shirt   
Second, third and fourth girl wears . Fourth girl has a brown . Fifth girl wears a light blue . Sixth girl wears pink and light grey .

First girl wears red . Man next to her wears a blue and a brown . Woman next to him wears a brown . Short man wears on his eyes and a blue . Three people on the picture wear brown .

Snowman wears a red and blue on his head. On his hands he wears red . His is blue.