Matching exercise
Match the text written in English to their Slovak translations.You have limited time. Good luck!
I've been never good at painting.
I was never into painting.
Dancing is a form of art.
One form of art is dancing.
Practise more and you will be good.
If you want to be good, practise more.
How long did it take you to learn piano?
Has it took you long to learn piano?
I was happy to see you yesterday.
I was looking forward to see you yesterday.
Nikdy som nebol dobrý v maľovaní.
Nikdy ma nebralo maľovanie.
Tanec je forma umenia.
Jednou z foriem umenia je tanec.
Viac cvič a budeš dobrý.
Ak chceš byť dobrý, cvič viac.
Ako dlho ti trvalo, kým si sa naučil hrať na klavír?
Trvalo ti to dlho, kým si sa naučil hrať na klavír?
Rád som ťa včera videl.
Včera som sa tešil že ťa uvidím.