SJ: Najskôr si vypočuj krátky text o Petrovi. Následne podľa vypočutého vyplň nasledujúce otázky. AJ: First watch short video about Peter. After video answer following questions.
Listening about Peter
Where did Peter arrive to?
Mexico City
About what is Peter excited and happy?
About his new adwenture.
About his new job.
About his new flat.
About his new girlfriend.
For how long is Peter going to stay in hotel?
Why is Peter disappointed?
Because he could not find job as an architect.
Because he is staying at hotel.
Because he is teacher.
He is not dissapointed.
What does Peter mother do?
She is a teacher.
She is an architect.
She is a janitor.
She doesn´t work.
Where did Peter live before he moved to Mexico?
Where did Peter see the advertisement for a job?
in newspapers
in television
his friend told him about it
his mother told him about it
Where did Peter went for an interwiev?
To English Language Academy
To a school
To Angela Speaking Academy
To Language Academy for English
Who is the most beautiful woman Peter has ever seen?