Quiz Halloween - Anglický jazyk opakovanie pre 8. a 9. ročník ZŠ
Pozorne si prečítajte otázky a vyberte správnu odpoveď. Väčšinu slovíčok sme sa učili v lekcií Autumn a taktiež sme preberali tému Halloween. V teste sú umiestnené rôzne typy otázok a odpovedí. Prosím pozor aj na gramatiku! Na test máte 20 minút. Just do it! Veľa štastia.
Halloween is celebrated on:
October 30
November 1
October 31
What are typical costumes for Halloween?
Princes and princesses
Scary monsters
What we can see on this picture?
What is the name of the green man in this picture?
Harry Potter
Listen the sound. In which movie was this sound ?PREHRAJ SÚBOR
What do children say on Halloween? (When they want sweets, in countries where is Halloween celebrated)
I want it I got it
Trick or treat
HI, I want sweets
Thank you
Which animals are scary and typical for Halloween?
Snake, dog, bunny
Bat, spider, cat
Mother, father, sister
Shark, crocodile, mouse
Pig, goat, cow
What does the word Halloween mean?
Night of the dead
NIght of dad
holy Night
Day of the dead
What colours are associated with Halloween?
red and green
brown and pink
black and blue
orange and black
yellow and blue
Trick or treat is about :
asking for candy
just for fun
it means nothing
singing a song at people´s doors
To go around witches use a
Typical Halloween food is:
soup, steaks and toast
candy, apples,lolipops, chocolate
cakes, pudding
fish and chips
Whitch pet like especially witches?
Write the name of large round vegetables with hard orange skin.
Write a typical Halloween character that is a vampire